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    A mobile app can help you monetize, connect with users and increase brand awareness. However, millions of other apps in the app stores are trying to do the same thing. With this level of competition, you need to do something unique to stand out and for your target user base to easily find your app. The solution is mobile app optimization in the app store. How to implement it step by step and what to take care of? Let’s check.

    AppStore optimization – what is it?

    App store optimization (AppStore optimisation) is the process of optimizing mobile apps to rank higher in app store search results. The higher your app ranks in app store search results, the more visible it is to potential customers. This increased visibility usually translates into more traffic to your app’s page on the app store. ASO’s practical and sales goal is to increase the number of app downloads. But it can also increase brand awareness, stimulate user engagement and gather reviews and feedback.

    The main app stores are the AppStore from Apple and Google Play, but you can also apply optimization tactics to other app stores, such as the Amazon Appstore, Samsung Galaxy Store and Huawei AppGallery.

    Mobile app optimization in the app store – ranking factors

    The available fields and ranking factors vary from app store to app store. However, typical target elements for ASO include:

    • the name or title of the application
    • keywords
    • description (Google Play) and subtitle of the application (Apple)
    • number of downloads
    • ratings and reviews
    • updates

    Why optimize mobile apps in the app store?

    According to Google, 82% of smartphone owners crawl the app stores. Thus, the AppStore and Google Play remain a popular way to find new apps, from the latest games to fitness tracking, music streaming and more. However, app stores are not the only way to discover apps. By the same token, if you’re not investing in ASOs to boost your app’s search ranking, you’re missing out on the largest distribution channel available for your app. Good app store optimization also means more downloads – with well-executed optimization; your app becomes more attractive to potential users, which increases the chances of installing it.

    AppStore and Google Play app optimization – similarities and differences

    App optimization differs slightly in Google play and AppStore. However, there are similarities. First, both platforms require apps to be vetted and approved before they are made available in app stores. Approval usually takes anywhere from 24 hours to over a week, depending on the size and complexity of the app. If you care about a specific release date or update, you should consider submitting your app at least a week in advance.

    Additionally, the App Store has two unique elements that Google Play does not offer: a keyword field and a subtitle. Google Play, on the other hand, offers a short description field, which Apple does not. Further differences between the platforms include factors used to rate and promote apps.

    Ranking factors in the AppStore from Apple:

    • Subtitle of the app
    • Application URL
    • Keywords
    • Installation and commitment
    • Reviews and ratings
    • Application updates
    • Titles and descriptions of in-app purchases

    Ranking factors in Google Play:

    • Title of the application
    • Short description of the application
    • Long description of the application
    • Installation and engagement
    • Reviews and ratings
    • Titles and descriptions of in-app purchases
    • Application updates

    Aso keyword research – the basis for app store promotion

    Keyword research is the foundation of any good ASO strategy. This is because app store search engines display apps that best match the keywords users enter. So you can and should use keywords in every field app stores provide. This includes the app name, URL, description (subtitle) fields, and keyword field in the AppStore. But first you need to do this keyword research to make sure you’ve chosen the right phrases, actually used by users, to optimize your app. How do you do it?”

    To conduct the ASO keyword research, list words or phrases that describe your application and its functionality. Then enter these words and phrases into a keyword analysis tool of your choice, such as Keyword Planner or Senuto, to get keyword suggestions and information on search volume and competitiveness. Although these keywords are specific to Google’s search engine, they can perfectly indicate what your audience is looking for in the Play Store or App Store as well. It’s a good idea to start with general terms that describe your app. You can also:

    • conduct keyword analysis in tools dedicated to mobile applications, such as AppAnnie, Sensor Tower, and Mobile Action,
    • review reviews and feedback from users of both your app and competing apps -often users use valuable keywords when describing their experience.
    • conduct a competitive analysis – check what other similar apps your industry competitors are offering and what keywords they are using to optimize them in the app store.

    How to choose the best keywords in app store optimization?

    • Use keywords that are most relevant to your app and its offerings. Avoid using keywords that may be confusing or inaccurate.
    • Seek a balance between the popularity and competitiveness of keywords. Choosing very popular keywords can be difficult due to high competition, so it is also a good idea to focus on niche phrases.
    • Choose longer and more specific phrases, which can be less competitive and more precise, increasing the chance of reaching relevant users.
    • Conduct A/B tests to see which combinations of keywords and descriptions yield the best results.
    • Regularly update your keyword list based on changing trends and analytics results.

    Optimize the title and subtitle of your app

    The title of your app (or “app name” in the App Store) is one of the most important elements to pay attention to when optimizing. This is because it is the first thing a user will see in search listings. What’s more, the title (name) of the app is also one of the strongest ranking factors for both app stores. Titles and app names can have a maximum of 30 characters in the AppStore and 50 in Google Play. That’s pretty low. So you need to use these characters wisely. If you want to use keywords in the title or app name, try not to overuse them or use them in a way that seems unnatural. Also, make sure the title and subtitle clearly communicate what your app offers. Avoid using overly complicated or industry-specific terms that may not be understood by a wide audience. At the same time, refrain from using overly generic titles that can easily get lost among similar applications.

    Example: If you have a language learning app, instead of using a generic title, “Language App”, you can use a more concise and understandable title with the keyword: “Learn Spanish – Quick Lessons”. You can add additional information in the subtitle, such as “Interactive Spanish Lessons for Beginners”.

    Add keywords (Apple App Store only)

    The Apple App Store provides a field where you can enter keywords that describe your app and by which you want to build visibility in the app store’s search results. Apple will take these keywords into account when ranking your app. You can enter as many keywords as you want, but their length is limited to 100 characters or less. The keywords must be separated by commas (no spaces). Like the name of your app, this is a space where you can get creative with your keyword research. Using this field, you can also regularly test different keywords and their combinations to see what works best for your application.

    Try to balance popular, highly competitive keywords, by which you are less likely to rank, and less popular keywords, by which you may get ranked but will result in fewer downloads.

    Because of the way Apple searches and indexes the keyword field, you should not repeat words or phrases, even if the same words are common in keyword research.

    Optimize your app description in the app store

    The app description plays an important role as it provides users with relevant information about the app’s features and benefits, as well as influences its positioning in search results. Google Play provides a short description field (covering 80 characters) and a long description field ( for 4,000 characters) and uses both for app store ranking purposes. The Apple App Store only provides a long description field (4,000 characters) and does not seem to use it for ranking purposes. How to optimize the app description to attract the attention of the audience?

    • The first three lines of the description are the most important because users see them first without having to click “more”. Make sure they contain the most important information and the most relevant keywords.
    • Encourage users to download the app through a clear and direct call to action (CTA), such as “Download now”, “Install today”, etc.
    • Place keywords in the description in a natural way Avoid over-saturating your description with keywords, as this can discourage users and be considered spam by app store algorithms. Distribute keywords throughout the description, using them contextually.
    • Describe the main features of the app and how they can help users Focus on those features that set your app apart from the competition. Highlight what benefits the user will get from using your app. This could include saving time, improving productivity, entertainment, etc.
    • Use short paragraphs, headings and bullets to make the description easy to read. This allows users to quickly find the most important information.
    • Add quotes from positive user reviews in the description to build trust and show social proof of the app’s effectiveness. Mention the high ratings or awards your app has received to strengthen its credibility.
    • Update the description regularly to reflect new features and changes to the app. Show users that the app is being actively developed and improved. Add information about seasonal promotions, special events, or temporary features to increase user engagement.

    Learn more techniques to write effective titles and descriptions for your app store.

    Description of the TikTok app on Google Play

    Add attractive visual elements

    Attractive and well-designed graphics available in the app store can attract users’ attention, distinguish the app from the competition, and increase the number of downloads. Use visual elements to show how your app works, what it does, and what problems it solves. How can you improve the design of your app with ASO?

    • Take care of your application’s icon – this is the first visual element that the user will see. Ensure the icon is simple, easy to recognize and captures the essence of your application. Avoid overly complicated designs and small details. Choose colours that stand out from other icons in the app store. Use contrasting colours to make the icon more visible.
    • Use high-quality screenshots that show the app’s key features and user interface. Screenshots should be clear, well-lit, and professionally produced.
    • Add short descriptions to the screenshots to highlight the most important features. Make sure the text is clear and blends well with the image.
    • Show the application in the context of real-world use Present scenarios in which the user uses the application, which helps illustrate its practical use.
    • Create short (15-30 seconds) promotional videos that showcase the app’s key features. The video should be dynamic and eye-catching. Make sure the video is professionally edited and has good video and sound quality. Add music and sound effects that fit the app’s nature. End the video with a clear call to action, such as “Download now” or “Try it for free.”
    • Use infographics to present complex functions in a simple and understandable way Infographics can be especially useful in educational or business applications. Use animations to show how an application works. Animations can be more engaging than static images and can better represent the interactive elements of an application.
    • Make sure all visual elements – icons, screenshots, videos and other graphics – have a consistent aesthetic Use a consistent color scheme, graphic style and fonts to create a recognizable brand. Customize graphics to meet the requirements and guidelines of each platform (Apple App Store and Google Play). Each platform may have different requirements for the size and format of graphics.

    What conditions must be met by visual elements in Google Play and AppStore?

    Optimizing graphics and video on Google Play

    • Choose up to eight visuals, including one video of up to 30 seconds
    • Add appropriate screenshot sizes for all devices
    • Your video must have a YouTube URL with monetization and ads disabled
    • Your visual elements must represent the user experience

    Optimizing graphics and video in the AppStore from Apple

    • Can display up to 10 visual elements
    • Three of your visual elements can be application previews (videos) lasting 15 to 30 seconds, but it’s best to use one really great video
    • The videos can only contain content from the app
    • You should use all 10 places, making sure to create the right image sizes for different devices
    • You can use text overlays but try to keep your content relevant

    Screenshots of apps on Google Play

    Information about CapCut app update on Google Play

    Encourage ratings and reviews of apps in the store

    Rating and reviews indicate the popularity and quality of your app. If you have low ratings, you are less likely to appear at the top of search results in the app store. Simple, sad, but true. That’s why a key part of app store optimization is encouraging users to leave reviews and ratings. Especially when both stores find highly rated apps more relevant. The challenge is to understand when to ask users for this feedback. If you send such requests too often or after problems with the app, you may receive negative ratings. What practices to follow to best optimize apps in the store?

    • The best time to ask for a review is immediately after a user performs a positive action or after implementing an important update. You can also ask for a review when a user completes a level, creates a post, or makes a purchase.
    • Be mindful of how often you ask for reviews. The App Store only allows you to prompt a user for a review three times in 365 days. Google Play has less stringent restrictions on review prompting, but it is also unclear how often you can ask users for reviews. Consider waiting at least a month between requests.
    • Use push notifications to gently remind users to review your app. However, make sure they are not too intrusive so as not to annoy users. You can also send emails asking users to rate the app, especially to satisfied users who are actively using the app.
    • Create a system of rewards and incentives. Offering rewards for leaving reviews, such as access to exclusive features, discounts, or loyalty points, can effectively increase the number of reviews.
    • Provide a support chat or feedback method where users can express their frustrations without affecting their ratings. This will enable you to address user concerns without affecting your app store ratings.
    • Regularly respond to user reviews, both positive and negative. Showing that you value user feedback and proactively solving problems can encourage others to leave their reviews. Responding to negative reviews with a proactive problem-solving approach can convert disgruntled users into loyal customers.
    • Communicate with users how important their reviews are to you and how they help you improve your application. Understanding the impact of their reviews can encourage users to give their feedback.


    Mobile app store optimization (ASO) is an essential component of a marketing strategy that can significantly increase visibility, downloads and user engagement. Key aspects of ASO include keyword analysis, optimizing the app title and description, using compelling visual elements, and encouraging users to leave ratings and reviews. Regularly monitoring and adjusting these elements will allow you to better adapt to changing market trends and user preferences, ultimately resulting in a higher return on investment.

    Let's talk!

    Tomasz Starzyński
    Tomasz Starzyński

    CEO and managing partner at Up&More. He is responsible for the development of the agency and coordinates the work of the SEM/SEO and paid social departments. He oversees the introduction of new products and advertising tools in the company and the automation of processes.