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    Thousands of brands, a mass of competition and messages being sent … that’s the situation in each market today. In this thicket, how do we stand out and win the hearts of our customers so that we remain in their memory for a longer period of time? Is there a method that will enable us to establish a deeper emotional connection with our customers? In fact, there is a way to build strong, lasting relationships with customers through emotional engagement. It is worth taking a moment to lean on us to build a strong brand – that is, Brand Marketing.

    What is brand marketing

    Definition of Brand Marketing

    Brand marketing is the process of building and developing a relationship between a brand and consumers. It focuses on promoting the brand’s values and promises rather than on individual products or services.

    The main goal of brand marketing is to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace by creating a strong brand image, building customer trust and loyalty, and promoting unique brand characteristics that differentiate the brand from its competitors.

    The Essence of Brand Understanding

    The first step in Brand Marketing is to understand what a brand is. A brand is not just a name or logo, it is the promise, values and personality of a company that sets it apart in the marketplace. A brand can have its own unique characteristics, personality and promises that distinguish it in the market and influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. This is an extremely important part of building trust, loyalty and competitive advantage. At this point, it is worth mentioning the words of Philip Kotler “A brand is not a signifier, it is a kind of pledge, a promise, it should shape the behaviour and strategy of the company”

    Fundamentals of Brand Marketing: Branding Strategies and Brand Personality Archetypes

    Branding strategies are the foundation of Brand marketing. They determine how the brand will be perceived by customers and what values it represents. Defining the brand’s personality archetypes is crucial, which helps create a consistent image and communication. Brand archetypes are fundamental, universal patterns of behaviour and values that have deep roots in human psychology and culture. They represent the various “characters” that a brand adopts to communicate its identity and interact with customers. Each brand archetype has its own unique characteristics and meaning that can be used to build a consistent and compelling brand image:

    • Sage is characterized by credibility, passion for research and data analysis, authority in his field, and expertise as a specialist—Dr. Irena Eris.
    • Explorer – loves risk, discovering new things, exploring the world and challenging boredom – Jeep
    • Rebel – challenges the status quo, challenges his competitors, is original and not afraid to express his own opinion – Harley Davidson
    • Innocent – he is characterized by kindness, concern for the environment, social responsibility and the ability to transport the customer to a world of beautiful memories, such as a carefree childhood or first falling in love – Dove
    • The hero – is brave, strong, full of energy and fights without ever giving up – Adidas
    • Social Soul – he is characterized by a smile, joy and a sense of humour, and can also act as a showman – Skittles
    • Caregiver – takes care of the customer and his property, ensuring the safety – of the Volvo
    • Companion – remains an ordinary, friendly person from the neighbourhood, accompanying the customer in everyday situations – Frog
    • Ruler – rules with a firm hand, maintains the status quo and is associated with exclusivity and prestige – Chanel
    • Creator – creates beauty, adds value, expresses himself through innovation and wants to leave his mark – Tesla
    • Love – seductive, gives pleasure and a sense of uniqueness – Lindt
    • Magician – transports the customer to another world, provides an extraordinary experience and makes something become “magical” – Red Bull

    Brand image is how a brand is perceived by customers and the community. It is a subtle image formed through various elements, such as logos, slogans, and advertising campaigns. Building a positive brand image is one of the main goals of Brand marketing. A company should strive for the moment when the created vision is fully consistent with customers’ actual perception of the brand.

    Stages of Implementing a Brand Marketing Strategy

    1. Define the brand’s unique characteristics, value and position in the market

    Brand qualities and personality are the foundation for creating memorable experiences for customers. A brand with a distinct personality is able to interact with customers, inspiring dialogue and anticipation of further innovative creations. Brand value is a key component of business value. Still, it is important to remember that it is generated by various factors, including human value, tangible and intangible assets, technology, and relationships with customers and suppliers. Brand positioning requires consistent assumptions that will influence consumer perceptions of the brand in the competitive context, both in terms of functional and emotional aspects.

    2. Formulate specific objectives to be achieved through a marketing strategy

    Marketing objectives should be specific, measurable and realistic – in line with the SMART Method It is also important to define a timeframe and scale of expected results so that progress can be monitored and the marketing strategy can be effectively managed.

    Marketing strategy should also be specific.

    3. Identify the target audience to which marketing activities are directed

    A key element of an effective marketing strategy is identifying the target audience. Through demographic, geographic, and behavioural analysis, potential customers’ characteristics and preferences can be identified, allowing marketers to tailor the marketing message to their needs and expectations. Focusing on the right target group increases the effectiveness of marketing activities and contributes to achieving the desired goals.

    4. Determine how the brand wants to be perceived in comparison with the competition

    A competitive analysis lets you understand the current market landscape and plan effective marketing activities. Studying competitors’ strategies and activities allows you to identify their strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats to your brand. Developing a coherent communication strategy, considering different channels and forms of communication, allows you to effectively communicate with your target audience and build a positive brand image against the competition.

    Developing and implementing an effective Brand marketing strategy requires careful planning, market analysis, and continuous monitoring of the progress and effects of marketing activities. With the right approach and understanding of customers’ needs, a brand can achieve a competitive advantage and gain the loyalty of its audience.

    The brand’s marketing strategy can be a success.

    Brand Marketing Advantages

    The benefits of brand marketing are numerous and have a significant impact on the success of any business. Effective brand marketing increases brand awareness by building brand recognition and familiarity among potential customers. This can lead to more conversions and sales.

    Brand marketing also supports building customer trust and loyalty by creating a positive brand image and providing quality products or services. Companies that effectively manage brand marketing can create added value in customers’ eyes, strengthening their position in the market. Today’s consumer has access to vast information and is increasingly aware of choices, so building trust and loyalty is crucial to a brand’s long-term success.

    One important benefit of brand marketing is the ability to differentiate yourself from the competition. By clearly defining a brand’s unique qualities and values, a company can attract customers’ attention and build lasting relationships with them.

    The company’s brand is also a key factor in its success.

    A strong brand can help increase a company’s market value by building customer trust and differentiating itself in the market. In addition, price flexibility, protection from crises, and the ability to attract investors are other benefits of effective brand marketing.

    So, a strong brand can help increase a company’s market value.


    Summary: Brand marketing is a key component of any company’s business strategy. It contributes to building brand value, establishing customer trust, and achieving a competitive advantage in the market. With effective brand marketing, a company can increase its visibility, attract loyal customers, and thrive in a dynamic business environment.

    Let's talk!

    Daria Wawrzyniak
    Daria Wawrzyniak