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    TikTok is a platform that has become not only a source of entertainment for millions of people around the world, but also an excellent marketing tool for companies. Dynamic videos, popular challenges and trend creation give brands a chance to reach a new audience.

    So how can you use TikTok in your company’s marketing efforts? Learn the basic tips that will make it easier for you to get started!

    TikTok is a great way to get started.

    Define objectives

    You can create TikToks for fun, but it’s better to have goals in mind that can be tied to your brand’s overall business goals. This should be the first step if you plan to expand your marketing efforts with this platform.

    Whether you plan to reach new audiences, improve your company’s image, promote product awareness, or develop stronger customer relationships through engagement, it’s important to back up your efforts with a rationale.

    Regularly publish new videos

    We always say that it’s quality, not quantity, that counts. Yes, this is true, but TikTok is governed by its own rules, because here also the number of materials posted on the profile is of great importance. TikTok recommends posting one to four times a day. Many of you have probably caught your head at this point, but rest assured – for brands, creating 3-5 videos per week will be fully sufficient.

    The most important thing is to create a publication schedule – this is nothing more than a calendar with information next to each day about what you want to communicate (such as a new product launch or a sale). Sticking to a schedule will allow you to better organize your work, and the TikTok algorithm will certainly appreciate our regularity in publishing content.

    Start videos with a catchy sentence

    On TikTok, every second matters. Users will immediately move on to the next video if the content is not interesting enough. To better illustrate this, we can use a simple example. A cosmetics brand may start a video with the sentence “this foundation will allow you to create a makeup like from the red carpet”, after this short introduction, the creator should move on to makeup application with the mentioned product.

    This simple scheme is effective for two reasons. First, it allows you to more easily reach the right audience that happens to be looking for this type of product. Second, it shows the primer in action instead of solely focusing on listing its advantages.

    Respond to comments with TikTocks

    Have you ever encountered a developer responding to a given user comment with a video? This is a very common practice that carries several benefits. Comments play an important role in TikTok’s algorithm – the more comments there are, the higher the platform ranks a given video. By responding to selected comments with videos, we show the audience that they really matter to us and are willing to spend more time responding.

    This, of course, does not mean recording a TikTok with a response to each comment. It’s perfectly fine to select just one under each video. This will make users more active under our videos, as they will see that the brand is eager to interact with them. To make it easier, we can choose a comment whose subject matter fits into our publishing schedule. However, if we have the time and opportunity, let’s record responses that are not 100% tied to our content calendar.


    Authenticity is something of utmost importance to TikTok users. The more sincere the marketing seems, the more likely viewers are to trust the brand. Showing what goes on behind the scenes of a company is an ideal way to show the “human face” of a brand. In addition, users will feel that they are an integral part of it.

    It might be a good idea, for example, to show the production process of our product, or a POV from the perspective of the person who packages customer orders. Thanks to such TikToks, the brand puts a premium on transparency, and potential customers feel that they know the product even better, which will certainly translate into conversion statistics.

    TikTokas are a good way to show the product’s production process.


    TikTok offers brands tremendous opportunities when it comes to marketing. However, the key to success is creativity, adaptation to dynamic trends and authenticity. With the right approach and commitment, this platform can become an extremely effective tool in building a brand and reaching new audiences.

    If you are looking for an agency to professionally help your brand show up on TikTok and other social media platforms, contact me today!

    Let's talk!

    Anna Rogozińska
    Anna Rogozińska