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    There are indeed quite a few ways to increase a website’s visibility in organic search results. One of these ways is the use of similar searches. But what are they and how can they help you? Check them out below. 

    Similar searches

    Similar-search  – what’s-that? 

    Similar or related searches are considered queries related to the keyword entered in the search engine. To find similar searches, you need to scroll down the search results. For example, similar searches for the phrase: „Excel course” are presented in the given manner below:

    excel course - similar searches.

    It is also worth adding that in addition to similar searches, we can also find a section dedicated to similar questions on the first page of search results, such as:

    similar questions - excel course

    Similar-Search,-a-similar-questions – main-differences

    Between similar searches and similar questions, you will notice differences. First, similar searches are a cloud of links that lead to search results. If you click on a link, Google will take you to results covering the phrase you are interested in.

    On the other hand, for similar queries, there is a drop-down list of queries, which allows you to select a page that answers a given query.

    Why are similar searches important? 

    There are several reasons why similar searches should be considered important, both from the user’s point of view and from the SEO practitioner’s point of view. 

    First, similar searches allow Internet users to find more accurate information. They also broaden the information search area. Their use can lead a person searching for information on the Internet to sources of knowledge he or she may not even know about. Hence, similar searches that appear on the first page of search results are so important.

    How to use similar searches in a day’s work? 

    Similar searches are worth using in an SEOwoman’s daily work. However, how to approach it wisely? If you want to use similar searches, you should be aware that it has a lot of value since Google itself shows something on the first search page for a desktop preview.

    Returning to the example related to the phrase: „Excel course”, one can notice, in similar searches, more precise phrases that consist of three, four or even six words. These key phrases would need to be verified for their potential. This can be done using tools such as Senuto, Ahrefs, Semrush, Keyword Planner, or even a plug-in from Surfer SEO, which can be added to the Chrome browser. In cases where these phrases have satisfactory search volume, any clever SEO should consider using them on a supported website, whether by creating dedicated tabs for them or by doing proper content work on existing tabs within the current website structure.

    For some queries such as: „where to go on vacation”:


    In similar searches we can find, as in the case of the phrase: „exel courses” queries that are definitely more elaborate in relation to the initial phrase. In this case, however, it is clear at a glance that we can use them as inspiration for blog posts. You probably don’t need to tell anyone that cyclical blogging translates positively into the site’s visibility in organic search results and traffic. In addition, greater visibility of the site, built also with the use of blog posts, translates into expanding awareness of the existence of the brand, site, or brand among Internet users.

    Similar searches on Google – summary

    The lack of use of similar searches when working on a website should be considered a failure to take advantage of all the opportunities available in SEO. After all, Google’s search engine itself provides very valuable information that should be used daily.


    • https://ahrefs.com/seo/glossary/related-searches
    • https://www.siteguru.co/seo-academy/related-searches
    • https://support.google.com/trends/answer/4355000?hl=en

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    Mateusz Kocowski
    Mateusz Kocowski

    SEO specialist with several years of experience. He joined Up More in early 2023. Hundreds of websites have passed through his hands.