Table of contents
Senuto is a Polish tool that supports online marketing activities, with particular emphasis on positioning and content marketing activities. We can confidently say that it is one of the best Polish solutions for analyzing data on organic Google search results.

Online marketing efforts have special opportunities for optimization due to wide access to a variety of user behavior data – far more than other types of marketing. While we can find out everything about the traffic and its sources on our own site with the help of Google Analytics, if we want to conduct a specific analysis of our competition – here we already have to use external support. In this situation Senuto.
comes to our aid.
What data can we check using Senuto?
With the help of Senuto we can check a range of data regarding Google search results, their appearance, keywords and their positions, competition in particular industries, content cannibalization or seasonality of the site. It is worth noting that we can check much of the data „for today”, but also historically. The tool itself is constantly being developed and newer solutions are being introduced for beta testing.
Domain visibility analysis
Thanks to this Senuto feature, we can check the organic visibility in the Top10 of each domain (at this moment it applies to Polish, Czech, Slovakian and Swedish domains). Here we get data such as:
- Number of keywords in Top3
- Number of keywords in Top10
- Number of Top50 keywords
- Estimated traffic – determined by the visibility of phrases in the Top10 and their click-through rate.
- Google Ads equivalent – that is, how much you would estimate you would need to spend in a Google Ads campaign to bring the same amount of traffic to your site.
- Visibility graph over time – showing the distribution of visibility of the site since the beginning of its existence, on the graph we can select the date ranges of interest, position ranges, types of keywords (long tail, short tail, brand, non brand), we can also check how many url’s are in the search results and on how many words the url is visible.
- Changes in position – in the further analysis we can see the biggest increases and decreases in the position of a given site, along with keyword parameters (e.g. monthly search potential, cpc, difficulty or estimated traffic from a given phrase).
- Key phrases – this is the section where we can take a closer look at the keywords leading to a given site, again their potential, position history, cpc, difficulty, the url they lead to, the estimated traffic they generate. This section also includes a bar chart of the distribution of the number of keywords for each position in the Top50.
- Site seasonality chart – where we can see how the average monthly number of searches for words related to the site is distributed by month of the year, and the variation we have in them.
- Gained/lost keywords – here we can see which words appeared as visible for our domain in a given period, and which of those visibility we lost.
- Competition – here we get a graph with information about what sites we can consider competitive (based on similar subject matter and key phrases). In the competition analysis section, in addition to the graph, we also see a table showing the biggest competitors and min. data on keywords in common with us, estimated domain traffic, google ads equivalent, Top3-50 visibility and visibility ranking position of a given topic category.
- Cannibalization – in this section we can check what url’s within one site are visible for the same keywords.
- Sections – here we can check how organic traffic and visibility are distributed for individual subdomains, paths or url addresses for a given site.
- Phrase characteristics – the last section of the domain visibility analysis is the phrase characteristics, which consists of, among other things, data on the difficulty of keywords in general, their average monthly number of searches, their appearance in the search results (whether they are, for example, images, knowledge graph, maps, answers at the top of the results, direct answers, etc.), types of key phrases, search trends by month, and the number of words in a given keyword.
Such a huge amount of detailed data allows us to take a close look at what a given site’s visibility looks like in organic search results, how its previous positioning and competitive environment worked. This allows us to plan the right strategy for the client at the bidding stage and show them the strengths and weaknesses. At the stage of conducting SEO activities, SENUTO’s visibility analysis helps us verify the effects of our work and quickly catch possible areas for improvement.
SENUTO keyword database
Site visibility analysis is not the only thing the SENUTO tool offers us, another very useful feature is the keyword database, which provides support in selecting and analyzing keywords for positioning or content creation. We can use the phrases selected thanks to it in our activities and add them to the monitoring.
In this case, the Keyword Database does not limit us to only 4 countries, we can choose one of the 178 available countries in it and for it analyze potentially interesting phrases. In order to get the first recommendations, we need to specify up to a maximum of 5 phrases related to the topic we are interested in. We will then get a table containing many keywords, which we can filter according to selected parameters.
For the keywords presented, we will get such information as the averaged number of searches, the averaged cpc, and when their low and high seasons fall. We can also select the degree of association of the phrases presented to us with those we entered into the Base originally.
The Database prepared in this way can be filtered and sorted according to really many different parameters such as number of searches, cpc, number of variations/variations, keyword length, popularity and Google ads rates, among others. We can also add our own filters. Of course, we can export all the data from the Keyword Database to CSV or Excel file.
As part of the Keyword Base, 3 more sections appear for us:
- Questions – that is, a list of keywords related to our indicated constituting questions typed into the search engine
- Dependent words – that is, a list of phrases related to each other
- Word groups – i.e. a breakdown of keywords into topic groups along with a summary of the number of monthly searches for each group and their cpc
Continuous monitoring of our selected sites
The third very important part of SENUTO is the monitoring of websites, where we can add the projects we are running and have access to data about them at any time. In the monitoring, we will see all the elements available within the site visibility analysis, plus information on the visibility over time of the keywords indicated by for a given project, presented in a clear table where we can see exactly the change over time. In addition, we can see how many and which extended results appear in Google search for the site we are monitoring.
SERP Analysis
This is an analysis of the search results for the keyword we have indicated. As part of this analysis, SENUTO will show us the following information for a given phrase:
- Number of monthly searches
- Number of competitors – that is, the number of competitors in positions 1-20 for related keywords
- Extended results
- Content length – that is, who has created who and how much content related to a particular phrase
- Number of h1 and h2 headers associated with a given phrase and which pages they came from
- SERP results – that is, a list of the first 10 pages appearing as a search result for a given phrase, along with information about them (e.g., content length, title, h-headers)
- Related keywords along with a breakdown of their types and information about the number of searches
Content Suite
Which is the latest and newest section of SENUTO, still marked as a beta version. It is a tool designed to provide support for content creation. There are three components within the Content Suite:
- Content planner – a tool for creating content plans with topical authority. To use this tool we need to provide the url of the site, keywords and our competitors. As a result, we will get a list of article topics, from which we can choose the ones that suit us best.
- Content writer – a tool for creating content optimized for positioning, within the tool we write content receiving ongoing tips on how to improve it so that it reaches high positions.
- Monitoring – thanks to which we can continuously check the visibility of the content created by us on specifically indicated keywords
Is the SENUTO tool paid?
Senuto is a tool with very broad capabilities and provides us with a huge amount of data. Naturally, therefore, it is paid. We can buy access in packages that suit our needs. Here we can find such packages as:
- Essential – for small business owners who want to run online operations on their own
- Standard – for copywriters and small ecommerce
- Premium – for larger ecommerce and small digital marketing agencies
- Professional – for large agencies, large portals and large online stores
Is it worth buying the SENUTO package?
If we’re doing any marketing related to Google organic search, it’s definitely worth it. Senuto gives us access to a huge amount of data that we can translate into our strategy, which will allow us to get even better results. Nowadays, effective online marketing requires working on data, and Senuto serves it to us in a friendly and accessible way.

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She has 11 years of professional experience, she started her career at the Emarketing Experts agency as a junior SEO specialist. In addition to website positioning, she was responsible for conducting 360° marketing projects as an Account Manager at She worked for companies from the financial sector (Bank Millennium, Bank Meritum, Finai S.A.) and e-commerce (e.g. Black Red White, Autoland, Mumla). At Up&More, he is responsible for, among others, SEO projects for Panek Car Sharing, Amerigas, Interparking, H+H and Autoplaza.