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    You’ve probably noticed more than once how some companies are surprisingly adept at responding to current events or trends, creating content that instantly becomes a hit online. At such moments, when you look at their posts and see an avalanche of likes and comments, it’s no accident. It’s the result of a conscious strategy related to Real Time Marketing. In today’s article you will not only learn how to do it well, but we will also look at examples from Poland and the world.

    real-time marketing

    What is Real Time Marketing?

    Real Time Marketing (RTM for short) is a dynamic marketing strategy that follows the pulsating rhythm of the changing online world. In short, RTM is the art of responding to current events and trends instantly to effectively engage your audience, your watchers.

    In the Internet age, where information spreads at the speed of light, the ability to respond quickly becomes a key element of an effective marketing campaign. Real Time Marketing not only enables companies to adapt to changing realities, but also allows them to create authentic, personalized interactions with consumers. It’s a strategy that continually emphasizes the importance of the moment and the ability to deliver content instantly, making it an integral part of the modern approach to promotion and customer relationship building.

    And what isn’t Real Time Marketing?

    It is not a strategy that is based on a fixed calendar of events, but rather a spontaneous response to current events and trends. Therefore, the creations created for Christmas or Women’s Day, we can not call Real Time Marketing. 

    Unlike planned campaigns associated with fixed dates, Real Time Marketing is also not a pattern of routine activities that can be predicted well in advance. On the contrary, this approach requires flexibility and a willingness to adapt quickly to changing realities.

    The culture of immediacy

    Before we get to the advantages or examples of Real Time Marketing, it’s worth stopping at one more definition, and we’re talking about the culture of immediacy (culture of immediacy). This is a term referring to a society in which instant availability of information, results or products is expected. It is a phenomenon characteristic of the modern world, and especially of the Internet culture, where instant response and availability of information have become key elements of our daily lives.

    The culture of immediacy is closely linked to the dynamic pace of life, digital technology surrounding us on all sides, social media and the expectation of quick and efficient satisfaction of needs. In this culture, instant gratification, responsiveness to current events or real-time access to online content becomes important.

    In the context of marketing, the culture of immediacy is directly related to Real Time Marketing. Companies are trying to adapt to consumer expectations by offering quick responses to changing trends, events or news to maintain interest in their brand.

    They are also trying to adapt to consumer expectations by offering quick responses to changing trends, events or news to maintain interest in their brand.

    However, it is worth noting that the culture of immediacy can also bring challenges, such as the pressure to constantly produce content, the risk of making mistakes in a hurry, or maintaining authenticity at what is often an extremely fast pace. Therefore, successfully adapting to today’s culture of immediacy requires a balanced approach and flexibility on the part of companies and marketers.

    Benefits of Real Time Marketing

    Real Time Marketing carries with it a number of undeniable advantages that make it extremely attractive to businesses looking to effectively communicate with today’s dynamic marketplace. Let’s now take a look at a few of them.

    Increased brand interest

    Real Time Marketing makes excellent use of the potential of social media, where instant response to important events can result in rapid spread of content and increased brand visibility. In this way, RTM not only maintains interest, but also fosters the development of customer loyalty, who see the brand as an active participant in their daily lives online. In this way, the company becomes not only a product or service provider, but also an important part of the interactive online environment, which significantly increases its appeal among users.

    Building a positive image

    RTM also undoubtedly fosters authenticity and closeness with customers. By responding quickly and accurately to current events, companies can establish themselves as active participants in the online community, which translates into building a positive brand image that shows itself as dynamic, flexible and always ready to interact.

    Personalization of messages

    Another aspect worth noting is the ability to personalize messages. RTM allows you to tailor content to the current needs and interests of your customers, which in turn strengthens the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. Moreover, thanks to real-time data analysis, companies can quickly adjust their approach to changing consumer preferences. Rapid response to changes in the business or social environment shows that a company is truly listening to its customers and adapting to their expectations.

    Improve contact with your target audience

    It is also worth noting that Real Time Marketing is an effective tool for increasing user engagement online. On-the-fly interactions, humorous approaches or participation in topical discussions attract attention and build a positive dialogue with recipients This builds a bond and identification of customers with the brand.

    Do you want to effectively use Real Time Marketing in your communication with customers?

    Contact us and our Specialists will help you with Social Media Marketing! Tell us what you care about and we will provide you with the best solution.

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    Principles of good Real Time Marketing

    Good Real Time Marketing is based on several key principles that help companies realize the full potential of this strategy while minimizing the risk of mistakes. Below you will find some of the fundamental principles of good Real Time Marketing:

    1. Speed and flexibility The first principle of RTM is speed of response. It is important to be ready to respond immediately to current events or trends. This is where “first come, first served” definitely counts. If you react to an event after a few days, it may be too late and you won’t gain any publicity.
    2. Understanding the context
      Effective Real Time Marketing requires a deep understanding of the context of an event or trend. Try to avoid shallow interpretations. It is definitely better to delve into the essence of the topic to avoid misunderstandings and controversies.
    3. Compatibility with the brand
      All RTM activities should be consistent with the brand’s values and personality. Avoid activities that contradict the company’s image to avoid negative reputational consequences.
    4. Creativity and innovation
      Good RTM requires a creative approach. Companies that can surprise and interest their audiences through innovative approaches to content tend to perform better. A moment ago, I said that the “first come, first served” rule matters here. While this is true, don’t try to be first at all costs if it will translate into the quality of your publication. Real Time Marketing requires us to find a balance between speed and creativity.
    5. Monitoring and Analysis
      Continuous monitoring of the situation and analysis of data are key in Real Time Marketing. It acts as a radar to spot favorable opportunities and quickly adjust strategies when needed.
    6. Maintain professionalism
      Despite the need to react quickly, companies should maintain professionalism. Avoid ill-considered actions or jokes that may be considered inappropriate. Controversy can be risky, so moderation is important.
    7. Check your business in the context of the long term
      Real Time Marketing is not just about short-term activities. Companies should monitor and analyze their activities in the context of a longer period of time to assess the real impact of activities on brand reputation and customer engagement levels.

    Examples of Real Time Marketing

    Let’s now move on to perhaps the most enjoyable part, which is the examples of various graphics and posts that referenced current events at a given time. 

    • Prince Harry’s wedding
      Ikea is one of my favorite companies in the context of Real Time Marketing. Here we have an example of their post referring to Prince Harry’s wedding and how we are not to worry because with them “Harry” is available all the time.
    real time marketing
    • Inauguration of Biden as President of the United States
      In 2021, Joe Biden became President of the United States, succeeding his predecessor… Donald Trump.
    real time marketing
    • Lagun
      Also in 2021, information circulated in Poland that a woman saw a strange animal in a tree, calling it “Lagun”. She decided to call the inspectors of the Krakow Animal Care Society. Upon their arrival, it turned out that on the tree was… a croissant.
    real time marketing
    • High temperatures
      And here is an example that in Real Time Marketing you can relate to any event, if you do it skillfully and creatively. Just like Tefal, which created the graphic below one summer, when the heat was extreme throughout Poland.
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    • Banksy’s painting
      McDonald’s is another company, right after Ikea, that comes to mind when someone mentions apt Real Time Marketing. Here we have their reference to the famous auction of a Banksy painting. After the auction was over (the painting sold for £1 million, or about £5 million!), the painting was half cut up, by a shredder hidden in the frame.
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    Real Time Marketing is an integral part of modern marketing strategy, enabling companies not only to keep pace with the dynamic rhythm of the modern market, but also to create a positive image that attracts attention and builds customer loyalty. Understanding the principles of RTM and implementing them skillfully is becoming extremely important for companies wishing to be not only visible, but also relevant in a world of instant digital communication.

    Let's talk!

    Aleksandra Wrońska
    Aleksandra Wrońska

    She has been involved in internet marketing for two years, but despite her relatively short presence in the industry, she has already conducted advertising campaigns for small and large companies, both on the Polish and foreign markets. He treats digital marketing not only as a job, but also as a passion, which is why he tries to expand his knowledge and skills every day. She joined Up&More in January 2023, where she manages projects in Facebook Ads, Google Ads and Apple Search Ads.