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Many factors can be taken into account. Effectiveness, innovation, impact on customer success, employee satisfaction, communication with customers or quality of customer service. For everyone, a different aspect will be most important. That’s why we have compiled various criteria that allow an objective evaluation of agencies.
Customer satisfaction in Polish digital agencies
The ranking opens with customer satisfaction, which we measured using customer ratings on Google business cards. Of the nearly 40 agencies we considered, four stand out, whose average rating does not have even the slightest flaw and is 5.0. These are AdPeak (number of ratings – 26), Green Parrot (number of ratings – 30), Maxroy. agency (number of ratings – 5) and Up&More (number of ratings – 5). All agencies included in the ranking manage to maintain an average rating above 4.0.
Agency name | Business card grade point average | Number of ratings in the business card | Average ratings on GoWork | Number of ratings on GoWork | Awards in European Search Awards over the past 4 years | Number of likes on Facebook | Number of followers on LInkedIn |
AdPeak | 5 | 26 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 7400 | 160 |
Up&More | 5 | 5 | 4,5 | 2 | 8 | 1500 | 1033 | | 5 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 1900 | 897 | |
Green Parrot | 5 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 4000 | 3162 | |
Widoczni | 4,9 | 580 | 3,3 | 55 | 3200 | 8603 | |
Sempai | 4,9 | 68 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 3700 | 1824 |
Tigers | 4,9 | 29 | 0 | 0 | 27000 | 18 439 | |
DevaGroup | 4,9 | 88 | 0 | 0 | 3000 | 1794 | |
4People | 4,8 | 35 | 3,9 | 10 | 2500 | 1268 | |
Delante | 4,8 | 230 | 3,7 | 48 | 3700 | 3010 | |
Traffic Trends | 4,8 | 132 | 2,7 | 11 | 4200 | 789 | |
Whites | 4,8 | 21 | 2,5 | 12 | 4700 | 2557 | |
Digitalk | 4,7 | 91 | 5 | 5 | 5100 | 1361 | |
Semcore | 4,7 | 109 | 4 | 138 | 4300 | 3540 | |
Value Media | 4,7 | 38 | 1,9 | 25 | 4000 | 2964 | |
MTA Digital | 4,7 | 25 | 1 | 1 | 749 | 958 | |
Semahead | 4,7 | 42 | 0 | 0 | 13000 | 1856 | |
NProfit | 4,7 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 413 | 342 | |
ICEA | 4,6 | 465 | 4 | 100 | 7700 | 5504 | |
Empressia | 4,6 | 87 | 4 | 41 | 1000 | 736 | |
Harbingers | 4,6 | 66 | 3,1 | 70 | 4 | 3200 | 2537 |
Verseo | 4,6 | 251 | 2,2 | 34 | 8800 | 2822 | |
Eactive | 4,5 | 96 | 3,9 | 129 | 1700 | 1300 | |
Performance Media | 4,5 | 108 | 3,7 | 565 | 27000 | 3376 | |
adCookie | 4,4 | 26 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 1551 | |
Fabryka Marketingu | 4,4 | 34 | 3,7 | 42 | 1900 | 2672 | |
Artefakt | 4,4 | 176 | 2,9 | 48 | 2800 | 1337 | |
Sales&More | 4,4 | 22 | 2,9 | 11 | 870 | 913 | |
Bluerank | 4,4 | 40 | 2,2 | 49 | 8 | 4900 | 4245 |
Ideo Force | 4,4 | 14 | 1,4 | 20 | 2600 | 1311 | |
Widzialni | 4,3 | 72 | 3,5 | 71 | 5200 | 1201 | |
Kompan | 4,3 | 61 | 3,3 | 12 | 4200 | 574 | |
Promotraffic | 4,3 | 36 | 2,3 | 138 | 6700 | 1970 | |
Grupa TENSE | 4,2 | 466 | 2,8 | 616 | 1 | 4500 | 1969 |
Sunrise System | 4,2 | 285 | 0 | 0 | 1900 | 1800 | |
Cube Group | 4,1 | 23 | 2,6 | 79 | 3100 | 2246 | |
Pikseo | 4,1 | 215 | 2,6 | 169 | 4600 | 336 | |
S360 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 567 | 238 |
The most-rated digital agencies are Visible – 580 reviews, TENSE Group – 466 reviews, ICEA – 465 reviews, and Sunrise System – 285 reviews. Only 11 agencies have more than 100 ratings on their business card.
Quality of campaigns in digital agencies
The second aspect we considered is the quality of campaigns run by agencies. In determining this factor, we were helped by analyzing the top awards won in the European Search Awards poll. This is an annual event where the most successful and innovative campaigns are selected. The best agencies from Europe compete against each other in dozens of categories.
The ESA is a prestigious ranking of agencies in the online marketing industry. It is recognized in the industry as one of the most important, if not the most important, competition on our continent. The European Search Awards attracts leading digital agencies every year
Agency name | Business card grade point average | Number of ratings in the business card | Average ratings on GoWork | Number of ratings on GoWork | Awards in European Search Awards over the past 4 years | Number of likes on Facebook | Number of followers on LInkedIn |
Up&More | 5 | 5 | 4.5 | 2 | 8 | 1500 | 1033 |
Bluerank | 4,4 | 40 | 2.2 | 49 | 8 | 4900 | 4245 |
S360 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 567 | 238 |
Harbingers | 4,6 | 66 | 3,1 | 70 | 4 | 3200 | 2537 |
AdPeak | 5 | 26 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 7400 | 160 |
Sempai | 4,9 | 68 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 3700 | 1824 |
Grupa TENSE | 4,2 | 466 | 2,8 | 616 | 1 | 4500 | 1969 |
Of the nearly 40 Polish agencies we considered, only seven have managed to win statuettes in the past four years. Two agencies stand out from the competition, having managed to win the top prize as many as eight times! These are Bluerank and Up&More. Other agencies that managed to win the main awards in the poll are S360 (6 awards), Harbingers (4 awards), AdPeak (2 awards), TENSE Group (1 award) and Sempai (1 award).
Employee satisfaction at online marketing agencies
Another aspect we looked at was what current and former employees of the agency thought. For this purpose, we analyzed the reviews posted on GoWork. GoWork is a job site that allows employees to post ratings and reviews of companies they have worked with. Ratings and reviews can also be given by clients and candidates who participated in the recruitment process.
Agency name | Business card grade point average | Number of ratings in the business card | Average ratings on GoWork | Number of ratings on GoWork | Awards in European Search Awards over the past 4 years | Number of likes on Facebook | Number of followers on LInkedIn |
AdPeak | 5 | 26 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 7400 | 160 |
Digitalk | 4,7 | 91 | 5 | 5 | 5100 | 1361 | |
Up&More | 5 | 5 | 4,5 | 2 | 8 | 1500 | 1033 |
Semcore | 4,7 | 109 | 4 | 138 | 4300 | 3540 | |
ICEA | 4,6 | 465 | 4 | 100 | 7700 | 5504 | |
Empressia | 4,6 | 87 | 4 | 41 | 1000 | 736 | |
adCookie | 4,4 | 26 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 1551 |
Three Polish agencies stand out from the competition, being the only ones with average ratings above 4.0. They are: Up&More, with a rating of 4.5, and AdPeak and Digitalk, with a rating of 5.0. The companies with the most ratings on the portal are: TENSE Group with 616 reviews, Performance Media with 565 reviews, and Pikseo with 169 reviews. 7 companies boast a hundred or more ratings.
Recognition of digital agencies
The last criterion we examined during our analysis is online recognition. To do this, we compared the number of likes on Facebook fanpages and the number of followers on LinkedIn of each agency.
Agency name | Business card grade point average | Number of ratings in the business card | Average ratings on GoWork | Number of ratings on GoWork | Awards in European Search Awards over the past 4 years | Number of likes on Facebook | Number of followers on LInkedIn |
Tigers | 4,9 | 29 | 0 | 0 | 27000 | 18 439 | |
Performance Media | 4,5 | 108 | 3,7 | 565 | 27000 | 3376 | |
Semahead | 4,7 | 42 | 0 | 0 | 13000 | 1856 | |
Verseo | 4,6 | 251 | 2,2 | 34 | 8800 | 2822 | |
ICEA | 4,6 | 465 | 4 | 100 | 7700 | 5504 | |
AdPeak | 5 | 26 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 7400 | 160 |
Promotraffic | 4,3 | 36 | 2,3 | 138 | 6700 | 1970 |
It turns out that the clear leader of the pack in this case is the Tigers agency, which has the most followers for both platforms. On Facebook, Tigers has amassed about 27,000 fans; on LinkedIn, it has 18,500 followers, for a total of 45,500 likes. The Performance Media agency is second in terms of total number of likes. Although it has achieved a similar result to Tigers on Facebook, they are followed by less than 3,500 fans on LinkedIn. Their total number of followers is slightly more than 30,000. Semahead closes the podium with 13,000 likes on Facebook and almost two thousand followers on LinkedIn.
Each list has different leaders, proving Poland’s Internet marketing industry is competitive. Only a handful of agencies topped in more than one criterion.
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Marketing strategist and SEM specialist with experience in team management. He has been involved in performance marketing for several years. His favorite area of interest is data analysis.