Table of contents

    Where can I buy PPC advertising?

    PPC advertising is available for redemption on a number of online platforms, each offering different targeting options and different ad formats. Here are some of the most popular platforms:

    GoogleGoogle’s advertising system, Google Ads, allows ads to be aired on the Internet in many places.

    Ad locations: Google search results, YouTube, Google Display Network (a network of partner sites), Google Shopping, Google Maps.

    The following are available.

    META – Ads in Meta can be displayed when you browse Facebook news, watch rolls on Instagram, or check your Messenger inbox.

    Ad locations: Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network.

    Meta ads can be displayed while viewing Facebook news, Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience Network.

    TikTokTikTok is the most engaging social media platform, with an engagement rate of 4.25%. It offers unique ad formats, such as One Day Max and Branded Hashtag Challenge.

    Ad locations: Homepage, feed, video campaigns.

    LinkedIn – is an international social network specializing in professional and business contacts. It allows you to reach business contacts and precisely targets by position and industry.

    Ad locations: Home page, feed, news, company page.


    Snapchat is a mobile application for sending videos and photos that can be viewed for a specified period of time. It allows the use of mainly display ad formats. Snapchat is most popular among younger audiences.

    Ad locations: Stories, Discover, Filters, Lens Studio.


    Pinterest – is an application that allows you to collect and share things found on the Internet, such as photos of landscapes, animals or styling. It is based on visual content.

    Ad locations: Feed, search results, user boards.


    How much does PPC advertising cost?

    The cost of PPC advertising can vary dramatically depending on several factors. These include, for example, industry, keyword competitiveness, advertising platform, ad quality, audience or season. The rule of thumb is simple – the more advertisers want to target the same audience in a given period, the higher the cost per click will be. Depending on the industry, a click on Google Ads can cost us from a dozen pennies to several tens of zlotys.

    If you want to estimate how much money you should spend on digital activities, the answer can be found in the article. “How to determine the optimal budget for a marketing campaign?

    Do you care about attracting new customers effectively and quickly?

    Contact us and we will present the right advertising opportunities for your business and will be happy to establish a long-term cooperation!

    If you want to optimize costs, testing several media channels through which you want to reach users is a good idea. It may turn out that the effectiveness of ads, as well as their cost, differ fundamentally from platform to platform. After testing, we can focus the budget on the most effective campaigns. This will help us answer the question “How to reduce CPC cost?

    PPC advertising in retail from A to Z – Where to advertise?

    The selection of media and advertising formats depends on the goals we want to achieve and the target audience we are targeting with our message. The easiest way to divide the media and the formats included is based on the sales funnel, which we can divide into several parts.

    Building awareness – the main goal of activities in the awareness stage is to attract the attention of as many people as possible and familiarize them with the company’s offerings.

    Display adsDemand Generation on Google, or video creations on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are great for this. With their help, at a low cost, we can build a large advertising reach and brand recognition.

    Building interest – The goal of marketing activities at this stage is to sustain this interest, provide valuable information to the audience and reinforce the message that can lead the user to a purchase decision.

    For this purpose, it is best to use visual message-oriented platforms.  Instagram or Pinterest being visual platforms, are ideal for building interest in products through aesthetically pleasing ads.

    Purchase – is a key point in the sales process, as it directly affects the company’s revenue.

    The media in which that intent is expressed is the most effective in responding to intent. These include Google and Bing search ads, as well as Google Shopping Ads. Ads are displayed to users who type a phrase into the search engine, which lets us know that the recipient is already potentially interested in the product or service. Google Shopping Ads, in turn, show product images, prices and seller information, making it easier for users to make a purchase. Dynamic ads on Facebook and Instagram, which automatically show products to users based on their previous activity, will also work well.

    How to learn PPC advertising in Google Ads?

    Using Google Ads and Facebook Ads is a constant process of learning and retraining, as well as adapting to constant news and changes. Advertising systems change from month to month, and advertising trends change from week to week. If you want to learn how to set up campaigns and run them yourself later, there is much work ahead.

    Individually acquiring knowledge through publicly available materials is the easiest and cheapest way to choose at the beginning of your adventure with advertising systems.

    A platform for learning the basics of Google Ads, the largest advertising system, is Skillshop. This is the official training platform from Google. There you can go through courses on advertising solutions and opportunities. The materials are quite in-depth, and it usually takes several hours to go through one element. With their help, you will acquire a basic knowledge of the types of campaigns available in Google Ads, tools for analyzing results and optimizing marketing efforts, as well as advertising opportunities.

    Another source of knowledge is YouTube. There you will find many videos that will help you learn about the advertising system and set up simple campaigns. From such materials, you will learn, for example, “How to set up a GA4 service and what to keep in mind?

    Google Ads Training at SchoolUP

    Google Ads Training at SchoolUP is a customized PPC advertising training course. Whether you want to set up ads in Google Ads, META, TikTok or Instagram – the trainer will tailor a personalized scope of training for you. At SchoolUP, one hour of training is only PLN 149 gross. A big plus of training at SchoolUP is that you determine the number of hours and your availability. The trainer will tell you what results you can expect and after what time.

    In SchoolUP, you can learn to:

    • run Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads campaigns
    • basic and advanced optimization of all types of campaigns
    • prepare analyses, reports or estimations
    • matching channels, bidding strategies or attribution models
    • planning and optimizing work in the campaign environment
    • fast navigation in advertising panels and supporting tools.

    This is the only training on the market where you can work on your own advertising account. All you have to do is share the screen with the trainer, and together, you will optimize the campaign to bring the expected results.

    If you want to use PPC advertising professionally, you can use the services of a digital agency. The agency primarily plans and implements online marketing activities, which may consist of brand building, search engine advertising, public relations, creating marketing communications, optimizing online campaigns or data analytics. The agency’s marketing department will assess budget allocation, recommend PPC advertising solutions, and make any website changes.

    Let's talk!

    Krystian Karasiński
    Krystian Karasiński

    Marketing strategist and SEM specialist with experience in team management. He has been involved in performance marketing for several years. His favorite area of interest is data analysis.