Table of contents

    The Google Ads platform offers three key types of mobile app promotion campaigns that we can use, tailoring them to our strategic goals. Among these goals are:

    • Installation of applications
    • Application engagement
    • Pre-registration for the app (only available for Android)

    In this article we will focus on the second objective – app engagement (app engagement). Learn how to set up an effective campaign of this nature, how to optimize it, and what important things to pay special attention to.

    What are App Engagement campaigns?

    App engagement campaigns are an effective way to re-engage users who have already installed your app and encourage them to take certain actions within it. These types of ads can be displayed in a variety of places, including Google Search, the Google Play store, YouTube and other Google services. 

    Before you create a campaign

    There are several elements you can’t overlook. To create a campaign that builds engagement with an app, it must be installed at least 50,000 times. This requirement allows you to achieve a sufficient user base to effectively re  reach the right audience and maximize the effects of the campaign. 

    You must also ensure that your campaigns have a universal link (iOS), an app link (Android) or a custom scheme (in both cases). In addition, take care of mobile app conversion tracking and their proper configuration using Firebase or App Attribution Partner. 

    It is also important to have a privacy policy that gives sufficient information about your use of re-engagement campaigns. 

    Creating a campaign promoting a mobile app with an engagement goal – step-by-step

    The following step-by-step instructions will show you how to create a mobile app promotion campaign with an engagement goal in Google Ads. With these steps, you will be able to properly configure your campaign, customize it to your needs and achieve your marketing goals. Let’s now go into the details of creating a campaign step by step.

    1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
    2. Click the Campaigns icon in the dashboard.
    3. Choose the Overview option.
    4. Click the plus (+) button, then select New Campaign.
    5. As the goal of the campaign, select Promote application.
    6. Select as “Campaign subtype” the Application engagement option.
    7. Select the app platform on which you want to promote your app – iOS, or Android.
    8. In the search box, enter the name of the app, the name of the package or the publisher of the app, and then select the appropriate app from the list of results.
    9. In the “Select marketing goal for the app engagement campaign” section, select whether you want the campaign settings to be pre-filled with suggestions based on your marketing goal. You can choose from the suggested options or create your own campaign setup.
    10. Enter a campaign name that is easily identifiable to you in the “Campaign name” field.
    11. In the “Locations” section, select the locations to which you want to target your campaign, and set targeting and user exclusion options. Remember that ads will only display in countries where the application is downloadable.
    12. Adjust the language settings in the “Languages” section.
    13. Set the average daily budget in the “Budget” section.
    14. Select the activities in the application under which you want to optimize the campaign, and enter the target cost of the activity (target CPA).
    15. If necessary, adjust the campaign start and end dates.
    16. Click “Save and continue”.
    17. Enter the name of the ad group.
    18. Add ad components, such as headlines, ad text, images or videos, in the “Ad Components” section. It is recommended to add at least 2 headline proposals and 1 ad text proposal.
    19. Select audience segments in the “Ad targeting” section and indicate to whom you want to show ads.
    20. Click “Save and Continue” to proceed to the next step.


    Beyond the technical requirements, there are several ways to help make your campaign more attractive. Before you start creating it, specify what goals you want to achieve with your app engagement.Are you looking to increase the number of purchases, their value, or maybe you want users to sign up for a specific service? A clear goal is very important from the perspective of creating an effective campaign. 

    It is also important to approach the creation and components of the ad. Properly designed and optimized ads can grab users’ attention and get them to interact with your application. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different variations of ad components. Conduct A/B tests to see which components are most effective in attracting attention and generating user interaction. Test different headlines, texts, images and CTAs to optimize campaign performance. Regularly analyze campaign performance and respond to changes in user behavior. Track metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate and cost-per-conversion to identify areas for improvement and make appropriate optimizations.

    The world of mobile apps is dynamic, so be flexible and open to experimenting with different strategies and tactics. Test new ideas and learn as you go, as well as gather feedback from users and analyze data to understand their needs and preferences, and continuously improve your campaigns.

    There are many ways to improve your campaigns.

    By following these recommendations, you will have a better chance of successfully implementing App Engagement campaigns in Google Ads and achieving your marketing goals.

    Meaningful user retention

    Understanding the importance of user retention is a key component of a successful marketing strategy. When promoting a mobile app, the focus should not only be on attracting new users, but also on retaining existing users, building their loyalty and engagement over the long term.

    Retention of users is not only a matter of keeping them on the app, but more importantly building deeper relationships. Customers who stay with an app for a longer period of time can bring much more value than those who drop out after a single use. Long-term relationships with users are the foundation for increasing Customer Lifetime Value, which ultimately leads to generating recurring revenue and increasing the profitability of the app.


    Now you know how to prepare to create a campaign to promote a mobile app with an engagement goal, create it step by step and what to pay special attention to.

    It is worth remembering that creating an App Engagement campaign is not just a matter of technical setup, but also a strategic approach to building relationships with users. Clarifying the goals of the campaign, experimenting with different advertising components and regularly analyzing the results are key elements of a successful marketing strategy. 

    By following the recommendations discussed in the article and adhering to the imperative practices, you can be sure that your campaigns with an engagement goal will produce the expected results and contribute to the success of your mobile application in the marketplace.

    Let's talk!

    Martyna Malepszy
    Martyna Malepszy

    She has been with Up&more since April 2021. On a day-to-day basis, she is primarily engaged in running and optimizing campaigns that encourage the installation of mobile applications, but not only.