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    Your brand’s presence on social media is not so much desirable as essential if you want to reach the right audience at the right time and stay in touch with them. One important social media platform you should consider is Instagram.How to build a brand strategy on Instagram and how to use this tool to promote your business? See our tips.

    What is a marketing strategy on Instagram?

    SMarketing strategy on Instagram is a comprehensive plan of activities to promote a brand, its products or services on the Instagram platform. It includes defining business goals (e.g., increasing brand awareness, user engagement or sales), identifying and understanding the target audience, and creating a consistent visual and content image. Key elements of the strategy include regularly publishing a variety of content (posts, stories, reels), engaging audiences through interactions and contests, and analyzing the results of activities using available analytical tools.An effective marketing strategy on Instagram allows you to build a strong brand presence, increase brand visibility and create a loyal community of audiences.

    How to build a marketing strategy on Instagram?

    There are times when a brand reaches the right audience and builds an engaged community on Instagram by complete accident. However, this is rare – most companies that successfully engage their audience to build a consistent marketing strategy tailored to their industry and audience. How to build an Instagram Ads strategy step by step? Check out our tips. See also how Instagram’s algorithm works

    1. Know your audience on Instagram

    To build an effective marketing strategy on Instagram, you need to know who you want to speak to, that is, target your message. To do this, you need to know your target audience – who your audience is, what their goals, problems, challenges, and concerns are, what sets them apart, and what their professional, family, and wealth status is. All this data about your users can influence the ways you communicate and the content you create. How to know your target audience when building a brand promotion strategy on Instagram?

    • Conduct a demographic analysis – check the data from Instagram Insights. In the tool, you’ll find information on users’ age, gender, geographic location, and online activity.
    • Organize market research – this will help you find out who is interested in your brand, products and services. Use market analysis, industry reports or online surveys for this purpose.
    • Conduct a competitive analysis – check how competing profiles on Instagram are building their marketing strategy. Pay attention to the types of content published, observers, frequency of publication, activity under posts (comments, likes, shares).
    • Develop detailed persons of buyers for your strategy on Instagram – profiles of your ideal customer will help you improve the tailoring of your content to your audience on Instagram. Include demographic information, psychographic information (interests, values, lifestyle) and buying behavior.
    • Observe audience engagement on your profile – check what posts and content and formats pique their interest. Rollups and Stories engage your audience? Create more of them! Don’t see the effects of actions in the form of posts? Temporarily abandon them.
    • Monitor your brand hashtags and tagging – track hashtags related to your brand and user tagging of your profile. This will allow you to see how people perceive your brand and what user-generated content is related to your products.
    • Focus on analytics data in your strategy on Instagram – use analytics tools such as Instagram Insights, Google Analytics 4 (for traffic coming from Instagram), and other third-party tools to gather data and draw conclusions about audience behavior and preferences.

    2. Create the perfect brand profile on Instagram

    The front page of your profile on Instagram is your business card that builds the first impression. Make sure it’s a good one! The amount of space in the profile is limited, so you need to make sure you make the most of it.How to take care of your profile on Instagram when building your company’s marketing strategy on this platform?

    • Take care of the profile name – the name of the profile should be the same as the name of your company or brand, which makes it easier for users to find the profile.
    • Use your brand logo as your profile picture Make sure it is high quality and clearly visible at a small size. The logo should be consistent with your brand’s visual identity.
    • Optimize your bio – it should be short and to the point. Use a maximum of 150 characters with spaces and coherently describe what your brand does. Add emoticons consistent with your business, and include a CTA (call to action) (Visit our site, Take advantage of our offer, etc.).
    • Add a link to your site in the bio You may also want to consider using tools like LinkTree to add more links, such as to your website, YouTube channel or newsletter signup.
    • Create and add to subscribed relationships where you put the most important information about your brand. Organize your saved relationships into categories, such as Customer Reviews, Offer, PriceNews, Promotions, to make it easier for users to find information.
    • Maintain color consistency and graphic style in posts Use filters and presets to make photos look harmonious. Publish high-quality photos and graphics. Avoid blurry, low-quality images. Mix different types of posts, such as product images, info graphics, behind-the-scenes, user-generated content (user-generated content).

    3. Tailor your Instagram Ads strategy to your business goals

    Building your brand on Instagram should include a consistent process that matches your business goals. If you want to attract customers, you can’t post employer branding content on Instagram, because that won’t interest your customers. How, then, to ensure that your Instagram Ads strategy is aligned with your business goals?

    • Determine what goals you want to pursue with marketing on Instagram. It could be to acquire leads and customers, improve brand awareness, increase sales.
    • Perform audience segmentation based on selected criteria, e.g. age, gender, interests, location.
    • Determine what advertising formats will resonate with the needs of your audience and your business goals.
    • Consider what content on Instagram can be of interest to your audience while supporting your business goals.
    • Consider what form of communication you want to conduct on Instagram. Will it be a casual form or more business-like? What purpose do you want to pursue with the content – to give entertainment, or perhaps to convey knowledge?

    If you care about building brand awareness, prepare a marketing strategy on Instagram focusing on reach. If you hope to build a database of potential customers this year, your strategy on Instagram should be based on attracting user traffic at different stages of the sales path. In other words, there should be a purpose and a reason behind each of your marketing efforts on Instagram. How to increase the reach of your online campaign

    4. Create a content calendar on Instagram

    Already know what you want to communicate to your audience on Instagram? Great, but you still need to know how to do it and at what time. To do this, prepare a content calendar for your brand strategy on Instagram. The calendar will help you maintain regularity of publications, plan ahead, and ensure visual and content consistency. How to schedule content publication?

    • Care for regularity -decide how often you will publish posts. The recommended frequency is at least 3-5 posts per week, but it can vary depending on your industry and audience engagement. Remember to balance between different types of content (photos, videos, stories, reels) to keep your followers interested.
    • Schedule topics, taking into account seasonality – consider important dates, holidays, seasonal events and promotional campaigns. Schedule posts related to these occasions.
    • Determine the main topics for each week or month, which will make it easier to create consistent content and allow for deeper exploration of the issues involved. Prepare post drafts, descriptions and necessary visuals in advance. Use project management tools such as Trello or Asana to organize and track progress.
    • Set specific dates and times for publishing posts Use Instagram Insights data to choose optimal publication times when your audience is most active. Use post scheduling tools such as Hootsuite, Buffer or Later to automatically publish content on a set schedule.
    • Regularly monitor the performance of published content using analytics tools. Pay attention to metrics such as reach, engagement, number of new observers and interactions. Adjust your content calendar based on the collected data. Identify which types of posts are most effective and make changes to the schedule to better meet business goals.
    • Prepare several backup posts for unforeseen circumstances, such as schedule changes or sudden events. This way you will always be prepared to publish.

    5. Experiment with different content formats on Instagram

    Posts with a single photo in the strategy on Instagram are a thing of the past. Today, Instagram is a fully interactive platform, and users expect dynamic content to keep up with trends and even set them. Therefore, when building your brand’s promotional strategy on Instagram, you can’t get left behind and should invest in different content formats. Reels, Stories, carousel posts, video posts – all of these can build the success of your strategy on Instagram. Skillfully combining different formats and creating viral content can make you stand out from the crowd and attract a slew of users. What strategies are worth implementing, choosing different types of content on Instagram?

    • Photo posts – publish high-quality photos that are visually appealing and blend well with your brand aesthetic. Experiment with different photography styles, such as flat lay, product shots, portraits, or lifestyle’photos. Use consistent filters and photo editing tools to maintain a unified profile look. Tools such as Adobe Lightroom, VSCO and Snapseed can help you edit your photos.
    • Video posts -publish short videos of up to 60 seconds that will quickly grab users’ attention. These can be product demonstrations, quick tutorials, event announcements, or behind-the-scenes work. Ensure high quality video production, including good image and sound quality. Use proper lighting and image stabilization to make your videos professional.
    • Carousel posts – use carousels to publish a series of photos or videos that tell a story or showcase different aspects of a product. This is a great way to show details or present step-by-step instructions. Encourage users to move the carousel along by adding questions, trivia or calls to action in the descriptions of each slide.
    • Stories – use stories for daily updates, promotions, new product announcements or audience interactions. Stories are ideal for ephemeral content that disappears after 24 hours. Include interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, questions, emoji sliders to engage your audience and get feedback.
    • Reels -create short, dynamic videos in Reels format that can be ideal for trends, challenges, tutorials, or product presentations. Reels have the potential for wide reach thanks to Instagram’s algorithm. Add popular music, sounds and special effects to make Reels more appealing and engaging.
    • IGTV – use IGTV to publish longer videos such as webinars, interviews, full tutorials or deeper analysis of topics. Videos can range from 1 minute to 60. Consider creating themed series on IGTV to attract viewers and encourage them to watch regularly.

    6. Integrate your store with Instagram

    One effective strategy for promoting your brand on Instagram is to integrate your store with Instagram. As a result, users will be able to browse your products without leaving the platform. Thus, you increase the accessibility of your products to customers and make the buying process easier for them. How to integrate your store with the Instagram platform in your brand strategy?

    • If you haven’t already done so, go to the company’s profile on Instagram, then link the company’s profile to your Facebook page.
    • Log into Facebook Sales Manager and create a product catalog You can manually add products or import them from an existing online store (e.g. Shopify, WooCommerce). Make sure each product has accurate descriptions, prices, high-quality images and links to product pages.
    • Make sure your profile on Instagram is linked to the product catalog in Sales Manager. Keep in mind that Instagram may require you to verify your account before enabling shopping features. This process may include verification of identity and compliance with Instagram’s shopping policies.
    • In your profile settings on Instagram, find the “Shopping” section and activate this feature, connecting it to your Facebook product catalog. Verification by Instagram: Instagram will verify your account and products, which may take a few days. After successful verification, the shopping function will be activated.
    • When publishing new posts, you can tag products directly on photos or videos. Click the “Tag products” option and select the appropriate products from the catalog. You can also tag products in Stories using product stickers. This allows you to go directly to the product page. See how to create a product catalog on Facebook


    Building a successful brand strategy on Instagram requires a thoughtful approach and consistency. Key elements include understanding your target audience, creating compelling and visually consistent content, posting regularly, and actively engaging with your audience. It is also important to use analytical tools to monitor results and constantly adjust your strategy. Investing in advertising on Instagram and integrating the store with the platform can further increase the reach and effectiveness of marketing efforts. This allows the brand to build a strong, loyal community and achieve its business goals.

    Let's talk!

    Tomasz Starzyński
    Tomasz Starzyński

    CEO and managing partner at Up&More. He is responsible for the development of the agency and coordinates the work of the SEM/SEO and paid social departments. He oversees the introduction of new products and advertising tools in the company and the automation of processes.