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    Mistakes in Facebook Ads can effectively derail your marketing plans. Did you know that up to 60% of beginner Facebook Ads advertisers make simple mistakes that reduce campaign effectiveness? You don’t have to be one of them. Learn practical tips that will help you avoid the most common pitfalls and get your advertising budget running at full speed.

    Badly embedded pixel or no pixel at all – why is this a serious error?

    Wondering why your Facebook Ads campaigns are failing to deliver the expected results? One of the most common reasons is a problem with the Facebook pixel – it’s either misplaced or missing altogether. It sounds trivial, but the consequences are huge: you lose the ability to accurately target, analyze results and optimize actions. What is a Facebook Pixel?

    A pixel is a small piece of code that you place on your website. Its purpose is to collect data about users visiting your site and their interactions. With this, you can:

    • Track conversions, such as a purchase or newsletter signup.
    • Create custom audience groups for remarketing.
    • Optimize campaigns for specific business goals.

    How to check if a pixel is working properly? The best way to start is with the Meta Pixel Helper tool – a free extension for the Chrome browser. After installation, just visit your site, and the tool will show you whether the pixel is active, and point out any errors.

    Common pixel problems and how to solve them

    • Pixel does not register events:
      • Check that the pixel code has been pasted correctly in the <head> section of your page.
      • Make sure that events are configured correctly in the Event Manager.
    • Pixel on the wrong page:
      • Make sure the pixel works on all key pages, such as the product page, shopping cart, and purchase thank you.
    • Duplicate pixels:

    Bad-target advertising – a simple mistake that costs more than you think

    Did you know that Facebook Ads mistakes, such as an improperly selected campaign goal, can waste up to half of your budget? Imagine you want to increase sales in your online store, but you choose the goal of „reach” – The ad will reach a lot of people, but none of them will make a purchase. This is a classic example of how algorithms optimize campaigns for the wrong target.

    Why is target selection crucial? Facebook’s ad targets are like a map – they guide the algorithm to a specific result. If you set the wrong direction, your actions will become chaotic.

    • Want to increase brand awareness? Target „brand awareness” or „reach”.
    • Do you care about sales? Select the target „conversions” and make sure your Facebook pixel is working properly.
    • Gathering contacts? Use the „lead generation” goal, which will allow you to easily acquire customer data.

    How to tell if you’ve chosen the right target?
    Determine if the results of your campaign actually support your main business goal. If you only see likes instead of sales, something has gone wrong.

    How to tell if you’ve chosen the right target?

    Practical steps:

    • Before launching a campaign, define your priorities – sales, traffic, or maybe engagement?
    • Test different goals in smaller campaigns to see which one works best.
    • Use the Ad Manager to analyze the key metrics for the selected target

    Remember, however, that a fairly common mistake is to create a campaign with a sales goal without enough data. This is because it works most effectively when we have previously generated at least 50 conversions on our site. Otherwise, if we don’t have such data, the algorithm may have trouble reaching the right users who show an inclination to, for example, make a purchase or fill out a form. The result is budget burn through. Many novice advertisers have also discouraged Facebook Ads in this way, thinking that since they don’t have conversions, it means they don’t work.

    Inadequate targeting, or who you really want to attract with your ads?

    Frequently, advertisers assume that their product is „for everyone”. Nothing could be further from the truth! An inaccurately defined target audience is one of the biggest mistakes in Facebook advertising. As a result, your ads may reach people who will never be interested in buying. And after all, that’s not the point, is it?”

    What are the signals that your targeting is wrong?

    • High reach, but no interaction Your ad reached thousands of people, but none of those impressions translated into clicks or conversions.
    • High advertising cost. Facebook shows your ads to people who are not your target audience, which generates high costs.
    • Lack of consistency with your customer profile. If you are selling fitness equipment and your ads are targeting people 60+, something is wrong.

    A mistake in Facebook Ads campaigns is also forgetting to narrow down demographics. Everyone should determine the marketing persona for their brand before starting advertising efforts. Based on it, when creating a campaign, it’s a good idea to narrow down the targeting accordingly by gender, age, and location if you’re doing local business. It’s a shame to waste your budget by reaching people who are not likely to become our customers.

    Cannibalize different sets of ads – when your campaigns compete… with themselves

    Have you ever noticed that the results of your ads are inconsistent and the costs of clicks are increasing, even though everything seemed to be set up well? This could be the effect of cannibalization of ad sets. What does this mean? In simple terms: Your ads are „biting” for the same audiences, competing with each other in Facebook’s auctions. Instead of supporting your strategy, they become its biggest enemy. How to recognize cannibalization?

    • Declining performance – if you see your ad sets reporting declining results despite a high budget, the problem may lie in targeting.
    • High CPM costs – your ads are bidding against each other, which artificially raises the cost of impressions.
    • Low reach and lack of diversity in audiences – Facebook limits your ads to the same people, reducing the effectiveness of the entire campaign.

    How to avoid cannibalization in Facebook Ads?

    Best to start with a thoughtful strategy and analysis:

    • Check targeting – make sure that different sets of ads do not overlap in audience groups. For example, if some ads target people interested in sports, others may target people looking for healthy food.
    • Use exclusions – in the Ad Manager, you can exclude specific audience groups from a campaign to avoid overlapping sets.
    • Use A/B testing– test different targeting options on small budgets to see what works best.

    Too low/high budgets

    Wondering how budget affects the effectiveness of your campaigns and why is the wrong term can be a Facebook advertising mistake that’s hard to begrudge? In practice, too low a budget can reduce the number of impressions, clicks and conversions, making your efforts invisible among numerous competitors. On the other hand, too high a budget, if not properly managed, can lead to wasted resources on ineffective keywords or audience groups Therefore, the bottom line is to find the golden mean – a budget that allows you to achieve your goals without burning through money.

    How to choose the right budget and avoid mistakes in campaigns on FaceBook? The best way is to start with an analysis:

    • define the goal of the campaign – whether it is to increase traffic, sales or build brand awareness,
    • study the average cost-per-click (CPC) in your industry – you can do this with tools such as Google Keyword Planner,
    • calculate the required reach – multiply the expected number of clicks by the CPC to estimate how much it will cost you to reach your target.

    This will help you avoid running out of budget too quickly or being under-utilized.

    Does too low a budget always mean a mistake? Not always, but it is often risky. If your campaigns are limited financially, they may not reach enough data for optimization. Wondering what to do when your budget is small? Focus on niche keywords with lower CPCs, instead of competing for the most popular phrases. For example, for e-commerce, instead of the generic keyword „athletic shoes”, try using „running shoes for women size 38”.

    What does too high a budget mean for your strategy? It can be a trap if you lack a precise plan. Without clearly defined target groups and precise campaign settings, funds can be diluted to users who are not interested in your offer. To prevent this from happening:

    • segment your audience – divide your campaign into groups by location, interests or demographics,
    • test different ad creatives – identify those that generate the highest ROI,
    • monitor performance metrics – regularly check ROI, CTR or cost per conversion.

    No value proposition

    Why is the lack of a value proposition a problem?
    Wondering why your Facebook ads are not generating the expected results? Often the cause and error is the lack of a clearly defined value proposition. If the viewer does not see what he or she will gain by choosing your offer over the competition, the ad becomes indifferent to them. The value proposition is the essence that convinces people to take action. Without it, even the prettiest creative or flashy headlines won’t make your brand stand out among the many other Facebook ads.

    How to discover your value proposition?
    The best place to start is by analyzing what really sets your offering apart. Think about what problems you solve for your customers and what your strengths are. For example, if you run a store with handmade products, you can emphasize their uniqueness and high quality workmanship. Example of a message: „Each of our products is a handmade work of art, created with you in mind.” It is important that the message is simple, clear and immediately relevant to the recipient.

    How does the lack of a value proposition affect your campaigns?
    Social media campaigns
    without a specific value proposition are like a blank billboard – someone will notice them, but they will be forgotten immediately. Customers expect clear benefits and answers to the question „Why should I click?”. If your ad only says „Buy now” and your competitors communicate „Save time and money with our offer,” guess who will attract more attention. Without a properly planned value proposition, your campaigns can become a mistake that not only reduces conversions, but also increases click-through costs.

    What to do if you’re running out of ideas?
    Try to look at your offer through the customer’s eyes. What questions might he ask? What does he or she care about most? Sometimes all you need to do is compare your offer with your competitors and answer what the market is missing. If you need inspiration, analyze data from your previous campaigns. Tools such as Google Analytics 4 or Meta Business Suite will help you discover what’s working and what needs improvement.

    Would you like to become a true master of Facebook Ads campaigns?

    You’ve come to the right place! At schoolUP, we offer 1:1 training sessions, Which are conducted by experienced practitioners. With us, you will achieve your goals better and faster than ever.

    Fill out the form!

    Too often changes

    One of the main mistakes in Facebook Ads, by which advertisers waste their budget but also often find that Facebook Ads doesn’t work in their business, is making frequent changes.

    Today, Facebook’s algorithms are getting better at optimizing campaigns for selected ad targets. However, for this to happen too, it needs two elements: time and data. Therefore, disabling ad sets after 2 days because they do not bring satisfactory results is a big mistake.

    Facebook tells us that if we want an ad set to reach its maximum effectiveness, it should get at least 50 conversions per week. This is when the learning phase ends, and the ads run based on the conclusions the algorithm has drawn from the conversions collected. What is clear, however, is that if we have a low budget, our campaigns will not be able to achieve such results. That’s whyit’s a good idea to stick to the rule not to make changes more often than every 48 hours, and when launching a new campaign, give it a minimum of a week to spin up.

    Lack of testing – a key mistake in Facebook ads

    Campaigning involves constant testing Every business is different, every target audience is different, so it’s a mistake to make certain assumptions in advance that have worked somewhere for someone else. 

    What’s more, even if you learn after some time what works best for your campaigns, your target audience may also change over time. Certain texts and ad creatives that work great for them now may stop working in a few weeks or months. That’s why it’s so important to regularly test new ideas, creatives, ad types, but also other advertising targets and audiences.

    Why lack of analytics is a costly mistake in Facebook Ads?

    A common mistake when running a Facebook Ads campaign, is leaving out analysis and failing to draw any conclusions based on the data that our campaigns have collected.

    This problem is most often encountered by those advertisers who think that their campaigns generate enough conversions, so they skip optimization altogether. However, it’s worth taking a regular look at the statistics in Ads Manager and checking such information as

    • how the cost of results and impressions changes over time,
    • which ad sets bring the most conversions,
    • which ads generate the most conversions,
    • what demographics users are most likely to convert,
    • what devices these users use, 

    After analyzing the data, consider testing a new campaign setup in which you target your ads to the best performing sectors of your target audience. Sometimes such a procedure can bring you much better results, and in the process you can also learn more about your audience. 


    The Facebook ad mistakes presented here are some of the most common ones when creating and running a social media campaign. However, you must keep in mind that you may encounter many more problems or pitfalls on your way. Approach each campaign individually, test, observe, analyze and draw appropriate conclusions.

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    Tomasz Starzyński
    Tomasz Starzyński

    CEO and managing partner at Up&More. He is responsible for the development of the agency and coordinates the work of the SEM/SEO and paid social departments. He oversees the introduction of new products and advertising tools in the company and the automation of processes.