Table of contents

    Creating a landing page or website, with access to countless tools, courses and training, is somehow not particularly difficult. On the other hand, creating a landing page that converts is no longer such an obvious task. 

    What does it mean and what is involved in a converting landing page? That’s what you’ll find out in the following article.

    Effective landing page

    First, let’s consider what it means that a particular landing page, or your website, is effective. So, an effective landing page, in the simplest terms, is designed to convert site visitors into potential customers. 

    Obvious, right? Well, okay, but let’s dig deeper – first and foremost, your landing page should be perfectly tailored to the specific goal of your campaign, whether it’s collecting contact information, selling a product or promoting a service. It is also crucial that the content on the landing page is consistent with the message in the ad, so that the user does not feel confused after clicking. Remember, the landing page has to deliver on the promise from your ad!

    An effective landing page should also be optimized for user experience. This keyword includes such aspects as page loading speed, content readability and intuitive navigation. A well-customized landing page should be responsive to different devices, which increases the chances of conversion from users using both computers, tablets and smartphones.

    Another key aspect is to match the keywords used in the ad with the content on the landing page. Proper placement of keywords in the content and headlines increases consistency and improves the page’s position in search results, which affects the effectiveness of the campaign.

    The following is another key aspect.

    A tailor-made marketing strategy!

    A professional approach, understanding of the mechanisms of advertising on a given platform and a creative approach will only help your marketing strategy. As a digital agency, we offer a comprehensive approach! Get in touch with us!

    Let’s talk!


    The basics of the topic of effective landing page optimization you already know. Now let’s move on to the very important part, namely the effective presentation of your offer on the site. 

    For service websites, it is important to focus on clearly presenting your offer and understanding your customer’s needs. Personalizing your content, tailored to different customer segments, can significantly increase conversions.

    The following is a good example of this.

    Users who arrive at a landing page often have specific expectations and are looking for specific information. Therefore, it is important for visitors to immediately understand what the site offers, what benefits they can get and how they can take the desired action. How can you make this task easier for your potential customers?

    1. Be concise and to the point (but not necessarily brief): Your landing page should contain concise and clear information about your offering. Key elements, such as key benefits, product or service features, and possible promotions, should be presented in a way that is easy for your target audience to understand. Use clear and unambiguous headlines, bullet points, or well-crafted graphics to highlight the most important aspects of your offer. Describe what your product or service is, and most importantly – highlight what user problem what you are offering solves. Remember at the same time that your product description should not be 3 simple sentences, but also do not write a dissertation for several A4 pages, because users on the Internet do not have so much time to read it all 🙂 If, on the other hand, your text is quite long and elaborate, remember to bold and emphasize the most important elements. A good text is one that you can scan with your eyes by reading only what is highlighted and after that, be able to summarize its content.  
    2. Clear CTA (Call to Action): When presenting an offer, the use of a clear and inviting CTA is very, very important. The CTA should clearly indicate what action we expect the visitor to take. For example, “Buy Now”, “Sign up for a trial period”, or “Get a free quote”. Also remember not to overdo the number of CTAs. Both in terms of the number of CTAs on the page and variety.
    3. Use examples, or what your product or service is useful for: Adding specific use cases for your product or service can help you better understand how your offering can be useful to a visitor. Case studies, customer reviews or testimonials can also build trust and convince people to use your offering.
    4. Matching content to audience segments: If a landing page is used as part of different campaigns targeting different audience segments, it is important that the content is tailored to the specific needs and expectations of each segment. Personalizing the message can significantly affect the effectiveness of the page.
    5. Take care of the visual aspects of your offer: The use of appropriate visual elements, such as attractive photos, graphics or video, can greatly enhance the message about your offer. Visualizing a product in use or showcasing the features of a service can be more persuasive than words alone.

    Your-product-target-page – what-do-you-have-to-remember?

    The landing page of your product in e-commerce is the point of contact between the potential customer, what they saw in the ad, and the product on offer. In this case, too, it is worth applying the same principles as mentioned above, but it is worth adding a few more elements to it due to the specifics of the e-commerce product:

    1. Detailed description and specifications:Taking the time to prepare comprehensive product descriptions, with detailed specifications, helps potential customers understand the features, capabilities, and benefits of the purchase. Clear presentation of information makes it easier to make a purchasing decision later.
    2. Customer reviews and product ratings, that is, we take care of social proof: Adding customer reviews and product ratings increases the credibility of your listing. Remember, too, that nothing dies on the Internet, and under no circumstances play with deleting uncomfortable negative reviews. It is worthwhile to get in touch with the customer who gave a not-so-pleasant review, show understanding and offer some compensation. Such behavior will work much better than deleting or hiding negative reviews, because I guarantee you that this will anger such a customer even more and will amount to worse consequences. Positive reviews are also worth responding to, so that users see that you are involved from start to finish and also after the order is processed you care about your customers.  
    3. Personalization and recommendations: The use of recommendation systems that suggest similar or complementary products for purchase can increase the chances of selling additional items. Personalizing content according to user behavior also influences a positive user experience.
    4. Information about payment, delivery and possible returns: For many customers, information on payment types, delivery, shipping costs and return policies is important. Providing clear and transparent information on these issues builds trust and can positively influence the purchase decision. Don’t hide this information somewhere at the bottom of the page, in small print. Making such knowledge easily accessible will also positively affect the credibility of your site in the eyes of a potential customer. 

    Remember that an effective e-commerce product landing page must therefore focus on visual appeal, providing complete information and creating an intuitive shopping process (you can’t have a shopping cart icon hidden somewhere and the customer has a problem going through the purchase process). This, combined with elements of personalization and recommendation, will have the potential to turn visitors into satisfied customers.

    GA4, and landing page analysis

    One of the hardest things to come to terms with when selling your products or services online is the fact that our website isn’t perfect 🙂 Even if you’ve spent a tremendous amount of time and money on it, you have to expect that it will need to be redesigned and worked on a bit in the future. Needs change, consumers change, online trends change too, and you can’t fall behind. 

    Luckily, Google Analytics 4 offers some helpful solutions to help us monitor the effectiveness of our landing page. It is worth using:

    • Alerts This is the first step to letting you know if something worrisome is happening. All you have to do is set yourself for what situations you want the system to notify you of changes (e.g., a 30% drop in traffic compared to the previous week) and an alert will be sent to your email address. This way you won’t have to stressed out every day reviewing every report in GA4 looking for potential errors (although I recommend doing this on a regular basis 🙂 )
    • Standard reports. In addition to traffic reports, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on “Landing Pages” reports, which will show you what’s happening on specific pages within your site. Such a report you can always edit, add comparisons and various further dimensions that will enlarge the range of your analysis.
    • Custom reports (Explorations section). Here it is mainly worth focusing on the “Path Exploration” and “Path Sequence Exploration” reports. In the first case, we define the individual steps that users perform, and thus we will be able to see at which stage of, for example, the purchase path the most potential customers spill out. This is very valuable information for us, because we can take a closer look at that particular stage and diagnose the problems that may exist there. The “Path Sequence Exploration” report, on the other hand, gives us the ability to select a starting point (the first point of contact between the user and the site), and then simply click on the individual steps of interest to see where most users headed. In practice, we can choose a product page as the starting point, and then see what events users most frequently performed.

    Although all these activities are time-consuming, be patient, because for any online entrepreneur, investing in landing page optimization is an essential part of the overall business and marketing strategy. Should you need support in setting up your analytics, conversion or marketing efforts, our team of specialists is at your service! 

    Let's talk!

    Dominika Andrejko
    Dominika Andrejko

    Hi, my name is Dominika Andrejko, and in the digital marketing industry I work in Google Ads and analytics. At UpMore, I joined the SEM team and would be happy to explain the intricacies of the latest GA4 and run campaigns on Google.